But the radio gods came through for me, with "Harlem" by New Politics. I am obsessed with that song right now.
And hearing it prompts, like orange level 5 def con hurricane warning type car dancing. It cannot be helped. Mandatory.
And I am having my huge rock out car dance, and at a stoplight, I hear a honk next to me, and I am afraid I missed the light due to car dancing yet again.
But no, was not that. It was a passenger in the car holding up a piece of paper, 8.9 was written on it.
I was all wha? And they were laughing, and then I realize they are scoring my car dancing, like I am an ice skater or on Dancing With The Stars (Note: was not wearing sequins and mesh and Insane Clown Makeup)
I did not realize that was a thing, Car Dancing Olympics.
Someone should have told me. Ralph Lauren designs the Olympic outfits, you know.
I am totally going to start training for it immediately, although I kind of have been hardcore training amateur status car dancer since ever, so I have a head start.
And I was thinking 8.9 is not bad (oh, I hope they were using a 10 scale and not 100) for not realizing I was in the Car Dancing Olympics. I can add flourishes, details, I will work on that.
Thanks, Car Dancing Olympics Judges! You totally justified the nonsense I do anyway, and if Car Dancing Olympics becomes a huge thing, I am trademarking and want credit.
As evidence of why I was 8.9 car dancing, I submit "Harlem" by New Politics. Video not out yet, but no need for video, you can't watch it as you thrash around joyfully.